Add Mapping
How to add a mapping between items
Mappings creates a virtual connection between two items and their data. A mapping could map the data from an item that are fetching data from a PLC or sensor and to an item that have a tunnel the a cloud. Hence, the data would be transferred from the PLC to the cloud and making SIA acts as a Cloud Gateway. A mapping could also be a map between two different PLC's making SIA act as a protocol converter & gateway.
To add a mapping:
- In the SIA portal go to Instance from where you want to create a mappingfrom
- This could for instance be your PLC or sensor instance which item you want to map to e.g. a cloud
- Scroll down to the Mappings table and click New mappings button. A dialogue will open
- Select your Master and Slave items
- Master is the item that defines when to execute a mapping.
- Slave is the item that is being triggered when the master executes the mapping.
- Select the Trigger type
- Item is a triggered by a item and is defined by its trigger behaviour under the Item parameter
- Instance status is a trigger when the device changes status in the form of an error or clearance of an error. This is triggered on status change but also in a user defined interval which can be set under the instance in the Status report interval parameter under the Instance parameter
- Choose which Type of mapping you want to establish between the Master and Slave
- Parse value directly parses the value directly from the master to the slave. This is useful between instances that does not format the data, e.g. between two PLC's or sensors (Protocol conversion)
- Custom value is a customized value that can contain any information. This is useful when the slave uses formatted data such as JSON & SQL (Gateway)
- If desired add any Condition you would like.
- A conditions logic that needs to be met in order to execute the mapping such as "if %VALUE% > X (if the master value is larger than X execute the mapping)". Check Variable & scripting for further details.
- Press Save mapping