Activating license
Activating your license and get overview of the current applied license
The license can be activated from both the front page before logging in or through the license management in the portal after being logged in. If you need a license the activation key needs to be provided to our support team in order to generate you a license.
Sign-up for a free license
All installations comes with a free trial of 5 hours which can be restarted after a 30 minutes cooldown. You can extend your evaluation and get a free 30 days license by signing up at our website
License management
In the license management section, you can access several important features. Here, you’ll find details of your currently activated license, apply a new license, and locate the activation key required to obtain a license.
To get to the license management follow the below steps:
- Go to ⚙️ System
- In the system view locate 🔑 License section and click the Open license management
Activating license
Do the following to activate a license
- Under the License input paste in your License key
- Press 💾 Activate license and wait for the software to restart
After successfully applying the license the details of the applied license will appear on top of the page
On error in the license no details will be shown. Contact our support team to get assistance activating the license
Finding the activation key
The activation key can be found under the Activation key field in under the License management page.
It should have a format similar to: eyJjcHVpZCI6IjAyYzAwMDgxMjc1NTk0YzkiLCJzaWF1dWlkIjoiZDVkODk3OTItMWEzMy01MjUwLWIwMjMtNGU4YzUzYTNlZmZjIn0=
Front page - apply license before logging in
Before logging in or clicking “Start trial” a menu will be presented where you can apply your license.
The steps are the same as for doing it when logged in.